Monday, December 9, 2013

Gibson Family Christmas Letter - 2013

Gibson Family News - 2013

2013 BEGAN with the Gibson Kids spending time with friend Susan in Pasadena, and enjoying the Rose Parade and some quality quiet time.  It was a relaxing start to what turned out to be a very busy year.  Shortly thereafter, the quiet ended and the blast of construction in the Gibson Household continued.  Now with a Roof and Windows the Scaffolding which had been adorned with Christmas Lights was quickly being overgrown with the Spring Wisteria and Morning-Glory.  We tolerated it as it made a nice camouflage for the sake of our neighbors.


Scouting has taken over the non-school life of all 3 kids.  Trips to the MIDWAY AIRCRAFT CARRIER for the boys which included and overnight stay in the bunk-room. David has been promoted from Cub Scout to Boy Scout, completing his "Arrow of Light" ceremony in the Spring.  He and his fellow cubs participated in a lovely ceremony where they were lead over the bridge to become Boy Scouts.  David now enjoys planning and participating in Camp Outs and more
independent activities.   Alexander is now a Weeblo in cubs and has about a year and a half to earn the rest of his cub belt-loops.  His favorite activities include camping, hiking and stargazing.  Both boys had a great time when John went with them to Joshua Tree.  Fiona began Girl Scouts as a Daisy, and with her friends enjoyed group meetings and activities that focus on friendship and kindness.  Of course, Girl Scout Cookies were a huge part of the deal and Fiona (and mom) did very well with the sales.  Suzanne was Cookie Mom for the troop, so there were Cookies everywhere!  The girls bridged to Brownies over the summer, and are enjoying their badge journeys.  Get your cookie orders ready.... you know who to order from now!

Fiona at the Whale Watch Station / Pointe Vicente Interpretive Center (January)
Fiona at the Whale Watch Station / Pointe Vicente Interpretive Center (January)

David is working on a scout project! 
Alexander working on an Art Project at School 

David's First Cooking Lesson - Roast Pork with Veggies.

Fiona dresses up for our "Oscar Party"

Santa Monica Pier
Fiona's Summer Lemonade Stand
Video: Fiona on the Balloon Ride at Santa Monica Pier!!!  

Introducing the Newest Member of our family: 
"Sir Noir" in July, when we first got him... his eyes tell you how sad he was...

"Sir Noir Gibson" a "small" underweight stray dog... that one day, one HOT day, on the HOTTEST DAY IN THE SUMMER was seeking shade and shelter in the shrubbery in front of our house.  Fiona noticed him through the front window and says, "Mommy, there's a little dog out there..."... SO, mommy goes out to investigate and sure enough... there's a black, hot, very tired and thirsty dog... at first he gets spooked, but eventually (2 1/2 hours later) he let me give him treats and water, and with the help of a neighbor with kibble and a rope he let me "catch" him.  Walked like a prince back to our house where I gave him some water and proper food. 
SIR NOIR at Redondo Beach
He came to us the day that Prince George was born, so we thought of a suitable name for this little "Black Knight" who was brought to us to "protect the home" and be with the kids....   okay, a walking companion for Suzy and a buddy to all of us...  he was skinny, and malnourished at 67 lbs. when we got him... he's now at weight and nearly 95 lbs.  We believe he is Black Lab and German Shepherd Mix.  And about 2 years old now!  


While the kids have been busy being kids... and Suzanne has been busy being mom.... volunteering at school with Adventures in Art, at the Madrona Marsh conducting Art Classes and a variety of workshops.... In the spring, joined the San Pedro Arts Association and now shows work in the Ports O' Call Village. This is a "promise to both my grannies" that one day, I will have art work here!   

John has been busy building a house...  We are closer to being done... but still... not done.  David now has his own room, Doors are being hung, Stairs lead to a master suite, and we have passed all inspections so far, with Drywall now up and tiles and plumbing in all bathrooms being near completion.   The scaffolding is down and we are now focusing on the interior finishes and floors. It may be just a few days and we can move our furniture into the "day room"... but one thing at a time....   
David starts 6th Grade!
Whereas we were anticipating being finished with construction by now, things have been delayed with John's travel with work.  We are about 6 weeks behind schedule. :( 
We are not sure that we'll be upstairs by Christmas at this point, but maybe...   
Fiona starts 2nd Grade
Alexander & Fiona on the first day of this school year. 4th & 2nd Grades.

Fiona and Noir at Granny's House

"Global Smurf Day - Flash Mob!"

David and Alexander
John, Alexander, David, Fiona and Eric at Universal for David's 11th birthday!

David and Suzanne - at Universal.

So, the Gibson's have been busy as usual.  Not much time for adventures outside the city limits this year.   The priority is to get the house finished so we can enjoy it.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Really? You are not sharing those meatballs with me?

Monday, October 14, 2013

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

best part of day... picking up kiddos

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Friday, September 6, 2013

Middle School

Monday, August 26, 2013

Thursday, August 1, 2013

I am feeling BLUE. Smurfy!

I am feeling BLUE. Smurfy!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Jr. Naturalist

Jr. Naturalist

Friday, April 19, 2013

just going thru some pictures on my phone.... this was Fiona in Pre school when she wanted to dress herself. yes, she went to school like that... :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

vintage shirt

and the burger is HISTORY!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Beauty!! Waiting for the Beast!

Ellen's Star!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

student i d

she loves her dibs

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter! Gibson Style!

Friday, March 29, 2013