Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Merry Christmas - 2014

This is just a quick glimpse into the photos (some of the 1000's) taken over the years.  Sometimes taking candid shots and random pictures is the best way to capture the kids...

Please enjoy... and to read about our year - visit this link

The Gibson Gazette - Christmas 2014

Silliness with Noir!  Always!

Fiona Loves her Tea-Parties.  An excuse to wear her Communion Dress over, and over, and over again!

Selifie w/ Mom!

Painting of Sir Noir by Suzy

Alex, being Silly... He was trying to hide from the camera!  I won!

Alex caught under a double rainbow!!!!

Fiona and her friend Elliott on Halloween / Off to Hogwarts!

We love Whipped Cream on Pancakes

We love Whipped Butter on French Toast

Mommy loves Selfies with her boys

Alex & David on a Day Hike to the Hollywood Sign

Fiona Smiling!



Fiona - Smiling at our friend after dinner.

Fiona makes "Owl" cupcakes

Suzy on a Walk w/ Noir. - What a view!

Fiona at a friends birthday party!

3 little Gibsons

John and Friends after the Ice-Bucket Challenge for Steve!

Yes,... John!!!!  He is Smiling!!!

Boys with Noir and his friend Neo / yes, a puppy slumber party!

The "Duck" during the Tall Ship Festival in August!

Chill Time!

Ah..... Love!

Alex on a Science Day with Mommy!

Selfies and Smiles!

Boy Time!

David found a Baby Bunny to Hold at the Madrona Nature Center!

Okay,... Fiona's love:  SUSHI!

Girl Time!

Ice Cream

Family Time!

Foodie Time!

At Saint Rocke in July with Heather

Nature Journal!

Big Bear Arts Festival...with Fiona!  

 Big Bear Arts Festival...with Fiona! 
Breakfast with Fiona and Harry Potter!

Do you Think Fiona is a Foodie? Or what?

 Big Bear Arts Festival...with Fiona! 

Glass Half Empty? Or Full of Fiona?

Alex makes Knots at Scouts.

Ah... Splash Time visiting Uncle Simon!

Fiona... always Smiling.

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